
Episode 11: What Does God Look Like?

Good Church People have a problem with legalism. It’s a problem they recognize, but they can’t seem to rid themselves of it. The source of their legalism is in a place they’re afraid to look. It’s in the black box at the core of their faith. The black box that tells them who God is,…

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Episode 10: Hic Sunt Dracones

Is it a persistent illusion, or delusion, that we see ourselves as inherently better than the ancient followers of God? We scoff at their faithlessness. Why couldn’t they see the truth of what was going on? Why didn’t they listen to the prophets? Why did they worship those silly idols? We think if we had…

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Episode 9: The Yeast of These

The ten chapters of Matthew 13—22 are about the same thing, and it’s one of Matthew’s central ideas. But it’s likely not something you learned about in church.

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Episode 8: By the Authority Vested

Who are the first twelve people you meet in the Kingdom of Heaven? And what can they tell us about who this kingdom is for?

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Episode 7: We’ve Seen Worse

We’ve been doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results. Some would say that’s the definition of insanity, but others would say we just need to try a little harder, for a little longer. Who do you believe?

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Episode 5: John Wick or Jesus?

In this new Kingdom of Heaven, what are the standards of crime and punishment? Of law and order?

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Episode 3: A More Perfect Union

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know… sometimes you find it in the most unexpected, but shockingly familiar, of places. 

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Episode 2: How Do You Fix What Is Broken?

If you want to make the world a better place, where do you start? Join us as we look at answers in Matthew that go against what we’ve always thought.

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