How To Pray

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    • #5679 Reply
      Bryan Ries

        Todd – What a great way to wrap up this season – summarizing Matthew’s gospel with the “heart of the heart”!

        Where can we get a copy of the Lord’s Prayer translation you used in the last episode? I really like how it calls out the themes of Matthew that the version I’ve memorized doesn’t do so clearly.

        Thanks for all you have put into sharing this podcast with us! Looking forward to next season.

      • #5680 Reply

        Here it is as it was spoken in Episode 12:

        Father of all of us,
        ruling from the center of the kingdom that has come near…

        May your name be held in honor,
        and may nothing we do cause people to think poorly of you.

        May your kingdom increase,
        and every other nation, including our own, fade in importance.

        May the reality of your great goodness
        become real for your children here on earth.

        Give us what we need for today,
        and free us from worry for tomorrow.

        May we forgive with the same extravagant forgiveness
        you have extended to us.

        When the evil one tempts us with the same short cuts he offered to you,
        lead us back to your narrow way of love, and mercy, and sacrifice.

        For this is your kingdom
        (not ours),

        and it’s by your power
        (not ours),

        and it’s for your glory
        (not ours).

        and forever.

        • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Todd Austin.
      • #5698 Reply
        Bryan Ries

          Thank you!

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